Party Trick: White Chocolate Covered Potato Chips

9:56 AM

I have a serious lack of self-control and a serious love of anything that combines sweet and salty. I also have a serious need for a hearty dose of salad and a walk, but that's another story. 

These potato chips are everything that my relentless sweet tooth has dreamed of. I was two seconds away from calling them "Unicorn Snacks" because really, I don't know. I'm also not entirely sure of an appropriate event to bring these to. Maybe a 3-year-old's birthday party? Again, I don't know. But, you guys. Seriously.

These beauties are stupidly easy, stupidly addictive, and stupidly all eaten already. They are sweet and salty and crunchy. They kind of remind me of a better version of those pink and white animal crackers your mom refused to buy you as a kid. 

All you need are potato chips, white chocolate, and sprinkles of your choice. If you aren't a fan of sprinkles/shrapnel it's totally cool. You can leave them off. But the chips are already crunchy, so the sprinkles fit right in. If you are more of a milk or dark chocolate fan, I say go for it. Want to add some pretzels and peanuts and Chex cereal into the chocolate mix and make it a party? I'm in. 

Before you get going, can we have a heart to heart for a second? There are two methods for making these, and both work great. but they'll give you slightly different results. 

The first method is drizzling, like I did. It's quick and easy, but the chocolate may crumble slightly and things will get a tiny bit messy at the bottom of your serving bowl. This method is more ideal if you want to throw something together quickly that's going to be devoured just as quickly.

The other method is to dip the chips about halfway into the chocolate. This method takes a little longer, but the chocolate sticks pretty dang well. I recommend this if you are planning on giving these as a gift, or bringing these to a fancier party, such as a formal 3-year-old's birthday party.

A third unrecommended option is sitting on the couch with a bowl of melted chocolate and using the chips as spoons while you watch Spanish soap operas on Netflix. 

Are we all on the same page? Good. 

White Chocolate Covered Potato Chips

1 bag ruffled or wavy potato chips
1 bag white chocolate chips
Sprinkles (of your choice)

Lay out your potato chips in a single layer (try not to let any chips overlap and leave a little space in between each chip) over wax or parchment paper inside of a cookie sheet with a rim (unless you want to spend an afternoon vacuuming sprinkles off of the floor before your husband gets home.) 

In a microwave safe bowl, microwave your white chocolate chips in 30 second intervals until melted. Stirring with each interval

To Dip: Simply dip your chip, let the excess chocolate drip off, and set on wax or parchment paper, add sprinkles and let dry (about 1 hour).

Fo' Drizzle: Transfer melted chocolate to small ziploc bag. Zip shut and twist one end of the bag so that the chocolate all ends up in one of the bottom corners. With scissors, snip off a tiny corner of your bag. Pipe onto chips in a zig zag motion, one chip at a time (resist the urge to pipe all the way across the pan). When you are finished piping, add sprinkles. Let dry completely, about 1 hour. Gently break apart chips and transfer to serving bowl.

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