This Bread is Bananas

2:46 PM

When I was a kid I used to day dream about what it would be like finally break free from my parents and be a completely independent and free (and obviously fabulously wealthy) woman. In my head it was sort of like "I'll eat cake all of the time, drink right from the carton, buy all the clothes I want, and no one will tell me to clean my room"   James has been out of town for some training and since I'm new to San Diego (aka, no friends/job) my life has turned into the worst version of what, as a teen, I daydreamed adulthood would be like. Late night Netflix binges. Messy house. Daily Whole Foods Hot Bar excursions. Really embarrassing hip hop dancing.  

This morning I woke up with a little bit of a cloudy head. I spent about 20 minutes lying in bed trying to find a basic banana bread recipe. I had to wade through pages and pages of "spruced up" banana bread recipes. And I mean, sweet Moses, doesn't anyone make regular old banana bread anymore?

I finally came across this recipe, shuffled out to the kitchen and whipped up a batch. When it cooked through it was incredibly dark. So much so, that I almost threw the bread out the window and climbed back in my bed. However, my stomach would never allow me to throw away potentially good food. After a slice or two (or five), I was in love. I mean, that sucker ain't pretty, but it is delicious. The bread is soft and sweet and the crust is just what you want out of banana bread, sugary and crunchy. I even threw pecans in it, because, you know, that's what adults do.

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