Things I Wish I Knew in High School + a Recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookies

3:45 PM

As a teenager, I learned pretty quickly that food was my strongest social skill. I've always loved baking, and people tend to warm up to you pretty quickly if you show up with baked goods.

Let me give you a little bit of background on these cookies. I'm not going to say that I wasn't cool in high school, but I am going to say that I once went through a phase where I wore knee-length skirts over boot cut jeans, and let you infer the rest. Anyways, one day, I showed up for a school function with these chocolate chip cookies, and somehow, they became a thing. Like a big thing. Probably the only big thing that happened to me in high school. I got all sorts of requests for these cookies.They would get devoured within seconds whenever they showed up anywhere. These cookies made me at least sort of cool. I made a lot of friends with these cookies.

These cookies. They are everything your dream chocolate chip cookie is. They are soft in the middle, chewy on the edges. They are sweet and salty and vanilla-y. They are blow-your-mind-good and so easy to make.

With the school year around the corner, I wanted to share a few things that I wish high-school-Catherine had known. More importantly, I wanted to share my cookie recipe, because somewhere out there, there is a girl wearing a homemade dinosaur print t-shirt who is about to start high school and I want to give her a little leg up (and because we all need a little help being more cool.)

9 Things I Wish I Had Known in High School:

1. I know you hate having your picture taken, but if you make a silly face in every picture you're in, you're going to have to spend a few solid hours in your early 20's untagging yourself in all those pictures before that cute boy you met finds them on Facebook.

2. Don't be afraid to be yourself. Even if you develop the hobbies of a 70-year-old modern day woman/16-year-old pioneer day woman. Be proud of those ill-fitting clothes you sewed yourself out of that vintage fabric. Display that homemade quilt with pride. The friends you make when you are being true to yourself will be way more valuable than the friends you make when you are pretending to be someone you're not. (And one day, when the apocalypse comes, you'll be warm and well-dressed dressed)

3. It's ok to have a crush on that famous guy, but there is a line that can easily be crossed. I believe that line is somewhere around "designating a drawer in your room to store pictures of the famous guy."

4. You know that sport you always wanted to try, but were too afraid? Well try the heck out of that sport. You'll probably be terrible (at least at first). But you'll have fun being terrible. You'll make new friends. Plus, you probably won't end up roped into that other after school activity that you hate.

5. Always, always be kind. Actions that are less than kind are often the moments you will look back on with regret. Don't do or say things that you will eventually regret, especially to other people. My advice for being kind? Smile as much as you can and think before you speak/act. 

6. It's ok that you fell up the same staircase three times in a row, on the same day, in the same trip. Life will go on. Turn around, give your onlookers a good laugh, and use that story to make friends at parties for the rest of your life.

7. If you don't have self confidence, do everything it takes to get yourself some. Develop hobbies. Make good friends. Wear clothes that make you feel good. Brush your hair, and do your make-up. Treat your body well. Be kind and forgiving to yourself. And pray to whatever higher being you believe in that low rise jeans don't come back into style.

8. It's ok if your beliefs/values are different than everybody else. It really is. Stay true to what you believe. Bonus points if you can take time to learn about, and be respectful of, the beliefs and values of others. 

9. If all else fails, show up with really good cookies.

Make-Friends-With-Anyone-Amazing Chocolate Chip Cookies

1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar (packed tight)
1 stick unsalted butter, cold

1 large egg
1 (overflowing) tsp vanilla

1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt

About 1 cup of chocolate chips

Cream together sugars and butter until smooth and fluffy. Add egg and vanilla.

Mix together flour, baking soda, and salt. Add to sugar mixture.

Stir in chocolate chips. Scoop onto baking sheet and bake 10 - 12 minutes at 350 F


Make sure that your butter is straight out of the fridge cold. If for whatever reason, your butter isn't cold, or your mixer isn't strong enough to handle cold butter, be sure to refrigerate your finished dough for at least a couple of hours. Softened butter often leads to flat, crispy cookies.

Salt and vanilla are the two ingredients that give the cookie batter the most flavor. I like to add a tiny bit extra of both to any cookie recipe I make.

I started making these cookies before I knew about the spoon and level method of measuring flour. So for this recipe I typically just scoop the flour with the measuring cup and use the side of flour container to level.

I try to underbake these cookies just slightly. You want them to be golden brown around the edges, with the centers just slightly golden brown on the tops.

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  1. I believe we used to call them 'Catherine's Crack Cookies' but I like your new name too ;).

    You are one of the sweetest humans I've ever met. I feel so lucky to have spent those awkward high school years with you very near to me. I miss you dearly old friend, I hope married life is just as sweet as your cookies! xx

    1. Oh Kelso, I'm so glad you were there too! I was just thinking about how we were on a soccer team together and that's how we became friends. And also, that time I got my hand stuck in a mixer?!

  2. This is awesome!!! And you are awesome! Also...was that drawer designated to Orlando Bloom?

    1. Oh Britt, I wish so much that it wasn't my "Orlando Bloom Drawer" but all I can do now is accept the past. It was so good seeing you last week!

  3. I love every bit of this. Those cookies, the awkward highschool/young women's memories, our terribly awesome dancing at stake dances.

  4. well, now i know where i'll get all my recipes from! loving this blog, catherine. i'm trying these babies today.


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